
Showing posts from February, 2017

My flipped presentation

Here it is my first post; it starts with a flipped presentation of my partner Carmen, a Primary teacher, which is studying a Master in Bilingual Education at the Rey Juan Carlos University. We had an interesting interview the last 14th of February. Check it out! You will like it. Now I will describe the process that I have followed to make the interview. This idea appears from ICT class at the university.  First of all, we had to pair up with some partner through our shoe sizes, that was an interesting way to pair up because is not usually used by teachers, it was the first time that I have ever seen this technique. It is also a good way to interact to each other because your partner has been chosen for you.  After that, we had to create an audio or video of our partner, it was in this point, when Carmen appears, she is my classmate and also my friend. We chose the video option using the 3, 2, 1 structure . This task is about a flipped presentation,